Everything You Need to Know About Lip Filler After-Care

Lip Fillers Pittsburgh PA helps enhance your natural features to create a result that changes your face’s makeup. Lip filler aftercare is manageable. If you’re unsure of the right procedure, the article will help you know the aftercare process.

Aftercare Lip filler Tips

1. The lips get swollen after the procedure. You may notice some redness or bruise after the treatment, which is normal. Most side effects from lip fillers Pittsburgh PA is regular, and you can resume most activities once the procedure is done.

2. It is good to apply ice to your lips as an aftercare process. Using an ice pack or an ice cube covered in cloth will help ease swelling, itching, bruising, and any other pain.

3. Avoid excessive exercise for 24 to 48 hours after dermal lip fillers as elevated blood pressure, and heart rate from exercise may make the swelling worse. It is better to engage in a light activity like walking.

4. Lip fillers Pittsburgh PA offers guidelines to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will help your body heal fast.

5. Also, eating plenty of hydrating fruits and vegetables will help you avoid excess sodium, which may worsen swelling.

6. As a part of your dermal filler aftercare process, it is better to avoid high temperatures like steam rooms or heated exercise classes for 48 hours. Hight heat makes welling more pronounced.

7. Lip filler Pittsburgh, PA also request you to ask your doctor about the painkillers after your treatment.

8. If you plan to get lip fillers done for a specific event, make sure to leave plenty of time in between to help your lips recover properly.

9. Also, try to sleep with your head elevated on the pillows to reduce swelling. Avoid sleeping on your face.

10. Avoid any makeup on your lips for up to 24 hours after the treatment.

What To Avoid As Aftercare Lip Fillers?

• Smoking may increase the risk of infection; therefore, it is essential not to smoke immediately after treatment for lip fillers Pittsburgh, PA. Also, avoid being around others who smoke.

• Avoid alcohol as it acts as a blood thinner, and one should avoid it for 24hours after getting lip fillers. It causes inflammation and increases bruising. It also makes the swelling worse. It’s also a good idea to avoid alcohol a few days after your treatment.

• It’s important not to fly for at least two weeks after getting dermal lip fillers. It ensures full recovery of your lips.

General Recommendation

• If you are suffering from a facial cold sore, then there is a risk in this procedure. It is better to let your physician know if you are prone.

• Do not use dermal fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as it may affect your child and your health. Also, inform your medical professional if you have any questions before your treatment.

• Avoid itching, massaging, or picking around the lip area. The side effects are expected and generally disappear within a few hours.

When To See A Doctor?

Swelling and redness are normal after lip fillers. However, see a doctor if you experience these complications.

Intense Swelling

If you experience intense bruising for more than a week, it is better to check with your doctor. It is rare, but many people may find an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.

Vascular Occlusion

Vascular occlusion happened when the lips fillers injected into your artery, reducing or stopping the blood flow. It causes the skin and tissue to die without adequate blood supply.

Vascular occlusion includes severe pain and a change in skin color. It is essential to note that pain may take a while to become noticeable.

Cold Sores

You may also consult your doctor if you’re prone to cold sores. Dermal fillers can trigger an outbreak that requires antiviral treatment. It is better to discuss with your doctor if you’ve outbreaks after receiving dermal fillers.

Dermal fillers Pittsburgh, PA, offers safe and effective treatment. However, your doctor will thoroughly discuss the process before your treatment, but it is essential to know the warning signs. Call a doctor immediately if you experience any severe pain or side effects in your lip area. Also, book an appointment with the right clinic to get a better result, and always fun to look back on!