Get to Know Yerba Mate — The South American Drink That Is Fast Becoming a Popular Health Trend

Yerba Mate is a beverage that has been gaining popularity in the health and wellness community in recent times. This tea drink is becoming a preferred choice for many due to its numerous health benefits and cultural significance. As its popularity spreads around the world, more people are choosing yerba mate over coffee because it has the same energizing effects without the harsh crash afterwards.
What is Yerba Mate?
Yerba Mate is a tea beverage made from the dried leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant. This plant is native to the subtropical regions of South America, particularly Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Yerba mate has been an important part of the indigenous culture of South America for centuries and is still widely consumed to this day.
The origins of yerba mate can be traced back to the native tribes of South America. The Guarani people were the first to start cultivating the Ilex paraguariensis plant and using its leaves to make yerba mate tea. Soon, other tribes in the region also started using the plant and the drink became an integral part of their culture. It was used in ceremonies, social gatherings, and as a form of medicine.
Yerba mate is loaded with adaptogens, which are substances that help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. Some of the adaptogens found in yerba mate teas include Suma Root, Acerola Cherry, Ginseng, and Yanomami Mushrooms. These adaptogens help the body fight inflammation, boost immunity, and reduce stress. Let’s take a closer look at what each adaptogen does.
Suma Root: Also known as Brazilian Ginseng, Suma Root has a variety of natural health benefits. It is known to reduce inflammation, boost energy, and relieve anxiety. It is rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, E, and K as well as iron and magnesium.
Acerola Cherry: These small berries are rich in vitamin C and have been known to help with flus, colds, and other sicknesses. It is an astringent that helps with skin elasticity and blemishes. It also aids in digestive issues and helps with diarrhea. Other health benefits may include reducing depression and enhancing athletic endurance.
Yanomami Mushrooms: Known for their unique flavors that enhance culinary dishes, this blend of mushrooms is a delicacy around the world. They are sustainably harvested in South America and have been used by the natives for generations.
Guarana: A small berry, native to Brazil, it has various benefits to consumers. Guarana contains caffeine and stimulates the central nervous system, resulting in energy boosts and mental focus. It is full of antioxidants that cleanse the body and help promote healthy digestion.
Health Benefits
It’s no surprise the natives were aware of the health benefits of yerba mate. Not only is it full of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals to help the body stay healthy, but there are other ways it improves your overall health, too. Here are five of the most notable ones:
Antioxidants: Yerba mate is loaded with antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Yerba mate has a high content of polyphenols. These antioxidants counteract free radicals that increase the aging process as well as restore cellular balance. These antioxidants help purify the body and eliminate harmful wastes and toxins.
Improves Digestion: Yerba mate helps improve digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, reducing inflammation in the gut, and regulating bowel movements. It is best to pair your yerba mate with fiber-rich foods to aid in healthy bowel movements.
Energizing: Yerba mate contains caffeine, which helps increase energy levels and alertness. At the same time, it also contains theobromine and theophylline, which help improve focus and mental clarity. It improves energy and focus, with effects like coffee but without the crash afterwards. It is healthier than processed energy drinks because the ingredients are all-natural and will not lead to the detrimental health effects of sugary, processed energy drinks.
Lowers Cholesterol: Yerba mate contains saponins, which are natural compounds that can help lower LDL (the bad) cholesterol levels in the body. Polyphenols and vitamin C prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. It has also been known to improve blood pressure.
Improves Mental and Emotional Health: Yerba mate has been shown to have a positive effect on mental and emotional health. It helps reduce anxiety and depression, improve mood, and increase feelings of well-being.
Drinking Yerba Mate
With so many health benefits, it is no wonder the natives call it the “drink of the gods.” Yerba mate is a highly nutritious drink that has been gaining popularity in the health and wellness community around the world. With a variety of Yerba Mate natural energy drinks to choose from, it is no wonder this ancient treasure is gaining popularity among the Western culture. Whether you want to improve digestion, boost immunity, or increase energy levels, yerba mate is worth trying. Click here to know more details.