How Can Kratom Improve Your Anxiety and Mood Level?

Kratom is a type of tree found in several southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia and Malaysia. Its scientific name is Mitragyna speciosa and is distantly related to the coffee tree. Kratom is not a narcotic drug, but the effects are very similar to other opioids like oxycodone and morphine.
OPMS Liquid Kratom is used for several problems but majorly, its used for pain relief. An alkaloid found in Kratom known as Mitragynine attaches to the brain’s opioid receptors, helping relieve pain. Mitragynine functions as an energizing supplement when taken in a small dose, but it serves as a sedative in a higher amount.
Apart from pain relief, Kratom is used for the treatment of the following problems as well:
· Depression
· Anxiety
· Opioid withdrawal
· Diarrhoea
· Muscle ache
Kratom is also used for the positive effects in the treatment of anxiety and depression as it is not an opioid. Yet, it’s active ingredient attaches to the opioid receptor. Although it hasn’t been proven scientifically, kratom-users have reported that it reduces anxiety and boosts mood.
However, proper research has not been conducted on the effects of Kratom – both on the brain and body. And most of the positive and negative effects that are known are speculations.
This plant has been in use in herbal medicine for centuries in Southeast Asia. It is also known as thang, biak, kakum, and thom. Although it falls in herbal medicine, it is banned in Australia, Denmark, and Thailand due to its psychoactive properties.
Ingestion of Kratom:
Kratom is consumed in many forms. Sometimes people eat the leaves (fresh or dry) or boiled in water and ingested them as tea. The more popular and available Kratom forms are capsules, extracts, gum, tablets, or tinctures. Rarely, people vaporize or smoke the leaves.
The extent of efficacy of Kratom is dependent on the form it is consumed in. But there is no scientific proof that determines which form of Kratom works for which illness.
The accurate dosage for depression and Anxietyanxiety treatment is not available as proper research has not been conducted on it. Kratom’s effects are dependent on five factors – the strength of Kratom strain, mode of consumption, health, sex, and age of a person.
Kratom should be consumed gradually in small doses as consumption of very high doses could be life-threatening. It is known that the extract of Kratom is much more potent than the dried leaf powder.
The following positive effects are seen on the body after consumption of Kratom:
1. Physiological effects:
· Works as a muscle relaxant.
· Gives a boost in energy
· Decreases the pain a person may be experiencing.
2. Psychological effects:
· It reduces Anxiety.
· Boosts the mood.
· Makes a person more talkative and focussed.
· Provides a feeling of euphoria.
However, there are several adverse side effects- both mild and severe -experienced by people on the ingestion of Kratom.
1. Mild side effects include – headache, nausea, constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, excessive urination, itching, and drowsiness.
2. Severe side effects include – insomnia, trouble with memory, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, decreased libido, psychosis, decreased appetite, liver and kidney issues.
Strains Available:
Kratom is available in different types of strains based on the country of origin. The strength of the strain is responsible for the effects and the duration of the impact. Usually, people experience the effects of Kratom within 10 minutes of ingestion. The different types of strains are Indo, Green Malay, Maeng Da, Borneo, Bali, Thai, and Malaysian.
Kratom should not be mixed with alcohol or other opioids. Precaution must be taken during consumption as very high doses may cause death or coma. In case of side effects, immediately stop using Kratom and contact your local hospital. You are quitting Kratom after prolonged use causes withdrawal symptoms similar to those of opioids.
Even though Kratom is not an opioid, it still has psychoactive effects, and caution must be exercised before and during consumption. Since research has not been conducted on Kratom, it is not recommended by medical professionals. One should thoroughly research the positive and negative effects of Kratom before ingesting.
If you decide to take Kratom, proceed with caution. Start with a small dose so you can monitor its effects. Consider telling a trusted friend or loved one to check on you.