Is it Worth Considering Stem Cell Banking to Protect Your Child?

Precisely in sync with scientific thinking, many from the educated population of all countries favor storing the umbilical cord blood of their baby. This penchant is due to the general awareness regarding the medicinal value of cord blood. Cord blood contains white and red blood cells, plasma, platelets, etc. It is this presence that makes it highly valuable as regards medicinal purposes. The stem cells present in the cord blood have an innate capacity to replicate. Hence, medical surgeons use the replicating capacity of stem cells to remove the dead cells from the human body. That said, it is possible to find such private, affordable cord blood banks in our time at a rate as low as $19.99/month

There happen lots of medical cases where the patients require stem cell transplantation. Here, the metabolism of the patient will be weak, and this prevents the formation of healthy cells, which are vital for the proper functioning of the body system. Hence, they need blood stem cell transplantation. The list of such diseases includes lymphoma, leukemia, aplastic anemia, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, etc. During such conditions, stem cell transplantation will become vital. Generally, the required stem cells come from donors as bone marrow donation. Finding suitable bone marrow will be difficult in most cases. However, now cord blood is another option. Yet another significant factor as regards the stem cells from cord blood is that these will be much more potent than the cells from the adult bone marrow because of the juvenile nature. Nevertheless, one should move the extracted cord blood to a safe cord blood bank immediately, and this is vital to safeguard the high potency of the stored sample. Therefore, storing the cord blood from the possible mutilations is a must. For storing the cord blood safely, you will have to pay the stem cell banking costs to the facility provider company. However, considering the benefits that one may be able to gain, paying this yearly cost is practically insignificant.

Though there are public and private cord blood banks, when you opt for a public bank, the stored blood will go as public property. The donor baby or nominee will not have any special rights. The same will go to the applicants on a priority basis. If you are saving the cord blood for using the same in case of an emergency medical need for your baby or family members, it is advisable to opt for a private bank. However, for this, there will be yearly stem cell banking costs apart from the initial deposit. Even then, private cord blood banking is much favorable. In case the baby or the nominee needs it at a later time, it will be possible to use it. You are getting the option of using the stored cord blood bank at your discretion.

Stem cell banking costs consist of the initial payment and the subsequent yearly fee. First, one will have to pay the initial expenses. There are several strict and sterile arrangements that the provider will have to take. These arrangements are for keeping the potency of the cord blood intact and hence are vital. The company will have to give you a collection kit, which must be germ-free. This kit must be as per the norms of the FDA. Besides, the provider company will also have to make sure that that collection kit is fit for storing the cord blood that one collects during both the vaginal and cesarean delivery.

Anyhow, the initial amount you pay towards the stem cell banking costs will cover the first-year storage fee also. After this initial payment, you will have to pay the yearly fees. Different companies charge different primary payments and the subsequent yearly fee. However, you must consider the efficiency of the facilities provided, customer reviews, and pricing before choosing a particular cord blood bank provider. You can find proximate cord blood banks through a search through Google. Though you may be able to find a plethora of such companies, you must pick the best option. For this, you must compare the quality of services, proximity, and stem cell banking costs.