Do Adaptogens Actually Work?

Amazon adaptogens seem to be listed on so many different types of energy drinks and health beverages. They come with multiple health claims and benefits that almost sound too good to be true. Is it just buzz and hype or should people pay closer attention to these natural ingredients?

Why Use Adaptogens?

Amazon adaptogens are naturally occurring herbs that come from non-toxic plants in the Amazon rainforest. Adaptogens are meant to help people’s bodies adapt to both emotional and physical stress. There are many, many different types of adaptogens, and they have different benefits. In general, Amazon adaptogens help people find balance.

Amazon adaptogens offer a wide range of herbal remedies. They can help promote a more restful sleep; they can aid in staying alert during the day; they can help with focus, headaches, dry eyes, and high blood pressure; and the list goes on. Whatever someone is struggling with, there is probably an adaptogen herb that could help.
Adaptogens and Their Uses

There are many different types of Amazon adaptogens with many different herbal uses. Here are the top four adaptogens that can be found in popular health beverages:

1) Yanomami Mushrooms

Yanomami mushrooms are actually a blend of mushrooms found in the Amazon rainforest. They are used most commonly for the nutritional balance they offer. Originally collected and used by Yanomami people, they can now be found in gourmet restaurants. Yanomami mushrooms are a uniquely flavored Amazon adaptogen.

2) Suma Root

Suma root, also known as Brazilian Ginseng, is an Amazon adaptogen that is used to help people’s overall wellbeing. It is said to help fight disease, relieve stress, and is even sometimes used as an aphrodisiac.

3) Acerola Cherry

Acerola cherry grows in areas around Southern Mexico and the Caribbean. Since it does not come from the Amazon, it is not an Amazon adaptogen, but it is still a very powerful adaptogen. Acerola cherry has a very pleasant flavor and is often one of the main adaptogen ingredients in health drinks. It is traditionally used to treat liver health, diarrhea, colds, and coughs. It is also very high in vitamin C.

4) Guarana

Guarana is an Amazon adaptogen that holds its power in the seeds. Guarana extract comes from a powder made out of the seeds of the fruit. This powerful plant is used in many energy drinks because it contains a range of stimulants, including theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine. It is also high in antioxidants. Guarana is also high in tannins, which can help with chronic diarrhea.

Do Amazon Adaptogens Work?

As is the case with many natural remedies, more studies need to be done on the efficacy of adaptogens. So far, though, the research looks promising. Studies have been done that show adaptogens working well to reduce fatigue, improve focus, and soften the effects of anxiety and depression. There are some studies that suggest that adaptogens may be able to help reduce inflammation, too.

Emotional and physical stress cause all sorts of physical side effects within the human body. People may experience achy muscles, exhaustion, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, shaking/jitters, high blood pressure, muscle tension, digestive issues, or even a weaker immune system. Prolonged stress can lead to serious medical complications. Researchers believe that Amazon adaptogens work within people’s systems in order to reduce the body’s stress response.

It is believed that Amazon adaptogens work by altering the body’s hormone responses to stress. It is these responses that cause the unpleasant side effects. Each adaptogen causes different reactions in the body, so many more studies are required to show the exact effects and processes that are involved.

Where to Find Amazon Adaptogens

Amazon adaptogens are becoming more and more common in mainstream grocery stores. They can be found in many energy drinks and health beverages. Since adaptogens commonly grow in sensitive ecological areas, it is important to purchase products that have been harvested responsibly. Look for products that are proud of their sustainability as well as those that pledge to pay the farmers and plant collectors a fair wage.

Look for delicious drinks that include Amazon adaptogens like guarana, Yanomami mushrooms, and suma root in the ingredient list. These adaptogens are especially delicious when paired with flavors like lemon ginger, peach mango, and acai blueberry.

When people are trying Amazon adaptogens for the first time, it is best to start slowly and to always keep moderation in mind. Those interested in the health benefits of adaptogens should consult with a healthcare professional.

Is Vaping Safe? What the Latest Research Says About the Cigarette Substitute

Prolonged smoking harms millions of people around the world annually. There are several thousand toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 70 of which are known carcinogens. Exposure to these chemicals—nicotine, lead, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, polonium-210, arsenic, and others—can give rise to a wide range of health conditions, such as lung disease, heart disease, oral disease, cancer, and many other serious issues.

For the sake of your health, you might want to consider kicking the habit. Giving up smoking is easier said than done, however. The addictive nature of tobacco and the distressing withdrawal symptoms you experience when you stop cold turkey can make for an uphill struggle. To cope better in the transition from tobacco products, many smokers take to vaping.

What is vaping?

Vaping involves the use of e-cigarettes, vape pens, and other vaping devices that contain liquid-filled cartridges. The vaping device heats the liquid, which is infused with nicotine, flavoring, and other chemicals, and the user can then inhale the resulting vapor. It is similar to what you would experience with smoking regular cigarettes and cigars, except without the smoke and smell of burning tobacco. There is no issue of second-hand smoke with vaping and that has been making it more socially acceptable than traditional tobacco products.

In many states in the United States, vaping is legal for people above the ages of 18, 19, or 21. They can buy and use vaping devices, but they are required to follow state-issued laws about where they can engage in vaping in private and public places.

Is vaping safe?

Vaping has been marketed as a safer alternative to smoking. Since vaping devices contain fewer harmful chemicals than regular cigarettes and cigars, the effect on your health will be comparatively less. Does that mean vaping is healthier than smoking? Not necessarily. If you indulge in too much vaping, you could still end up injuring your lungs. It could also activate the bacteria present in your lungs and lead to bacterial infection.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the people most likely to experience lung injuries are those who either modify the vaping devices or alter the vaping liquids.

If you are going to try vaping as a cigar or cigarette substitute, the CDC has the following recommendations:

• Choose high-quality vaping products and devices.

• Do not modify the e-cigarette, vaping pen, or other vaping devices. Use it exactly as instructed by the manufacturer.

• Do not alter the content of the vaping liquid and don’t try to refill cartridges with cheaper black-market stuff.

• Make sure that you do not use vaping liquid containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC vaping products make use of Vitamin E acetate as a thickening agent. According to the CDC, it is a chemical that can harm your lungs.

Other tips for safe vaping

It may also help be moderate in your vaping practice. Since vaping products also contain nicotine, they can get addictive too, just like regular tobacco products. You might also end up inhaling more nicotine than what you would normally get from cigarettes or cigars if you use extra-strength vaping liquid cartridges.

If you are using vaping to quit your smoking habit, make sure that you stop smoking cigarettes and cigars. Otherwise, as with many people, you will end up both smoking and vaping. And the combination won’t bode well for your health.

Recent studies show that people who use both regular cigarettes and e-cigarettes have higher levels of inflammatory and oxidative stress profiles. The levels are significantly lower if you only use e-cigarettes, and much more so if you don’t vape or smoke at all.

So, is vaping safe? Well, as discussed, it depends on how you intend to use it and how determined you are to quit smoking and not get addicted to a new habit. At present, with smoking being frowned upon in many public places around the country, vaping is on the rise. There are currently over 40 million people in the United States who use vaping devices. It seems to be particularly prevalent with the youth, many of whom have never smoked traditional tobacco products and find vaping flavors appealing.

What is Cleansing and How Does It Work?

The human body has an intricate and marvelously designed digestive system that is instrumental in maintaining your overall health and fitness. During the digestive process, the gut has a significant role in regulating the digestion of the various essential nutrients that you need. Along with absorbing water, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes from digested food, it is responsible for eliminating the metabolic waste and toxins that it receives from the circulatory system, from pollutants in the air and water, and a stress-filled lifestyle.

As a well-functioning gut is crucial for your long-term well-being, it is important to keep it healthy. You can do so by reducing stress and anxiety, eating in moderation, avoiding processed foods, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep. You can also use It Works Cleanse and make cleansing part of your routine.

What is Cleansing?

Cleansing is a method of rebooting your digestive health to maintain the health of your gut. It involves using plant-based cleansers such as It Works Cleanse to remove waste and toxins from your digestive system. Along with rebalancing it, you can replenish it with necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

When selecting cleansing products, it is important to make sure that the cleansers do not contain any GMO ingredients, soy products, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. If you are vegan or follow a Keto diet, you can get cleansers that support that.

How Does Cleansing Work?

You can cleanse your gut by drinking plenty of water, limiting your intake of salt and sugar, and sticking to a light and healthy diet that is devoid of processed foods. You might want to give up smoking which can have a disastrous effect on gut health. It will also help to stop drinking alcohol and soft drinks as they harm your health too in the long run.

You will benefit from using dietary supplements such as It Works Cleanse, which, incidentally, contains ingredients like green tea, ginger root, aloe vera leaf, lemon, and blue agave fiber that can stimulate your digestive system and aid in the cleansing process. For the cleanser to be effective, you will need to drink a bottle of it for two consecutive days, right before breakfast and dinner.

By following a proper diet and taking a cleanser as frequently as recommended, you will be able to flush waste and excess toxins from your gut.

What are the Benefits of Cleansing?

Your body has a natural way of removing toxins, preventing waste build-up, and eliminating harmful microorganisms. It does this by using the skin, the lungs, the kidneys, the liver, and the digestive system. However, you may also benefit from periodically using supplemental cleansers like It Works Cleanse.

Cleansing can bring relief if you suffer from issues like constipation, irregular bowel movement, and bloating, but it can also help to resolve various other health problems. It has been known to relieve allergies, skin irritation, joint pain, and headaches. It can also make a noticeable difference in reducing instances of fatigue, depression, and mood swings.

You may also experience better digestion as the cleansing will enable you to digest everything you eat and absorb the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need to stay healthy and function normally. Cleansing can help with weight loss and can also lower your risk of developing colon disease.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

While cleansing has several health benefits, it also comes with some risks. Along with ridding your body of toxic wastes, it can get rid of fluids too. And if you lose too much fluid, you will be at risk of dehydration. Additionally, the cleansing can cause an imbalance in your electrolyte levels, leading to dizziness if the sodium level goes down and leg cramps if the potassium level dips.

To avoid such health issues while undergoing cleansing, it is important to stay well-hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses a day. You should also eat regular and well-balanced meals in moderation, and sleep for a minimum of eight hours every night. It will help too to exercise regularly and lead an active lifestyle. That is especially important for reducing stress and it may assist you in better managing your anxiety levels as well.

The Main Dental Solutions for Damaged and Missing Teeth

springfield dental solutions

The enamel of your tooth is the strongest and the most mineralizing tissue in the body. However, some unfortunate circumstances can lead to breaking and chipping of teeth. Some of the common causes of such damaged and missing teeth are tooth decay, tooth injury, or accident.

The most visible impact of a missing or damaged tooth is on your appearance. However, this can also cause a major impact on your self-confidence and self-image. Even a single missing tooth can cause difficulty in speaking, brushing, biting, and chewing.

Also, gum diseases and tooth decay impact other organs of the body. Bacteria can enter the body through the mouth and travel to other parts of the body causing severe ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.

Springfield dental solutions include many methods that can fix your damaged or missing tooth. Let us discuss them in more detail.

1.  Veneers

Broken, chipped, or damaged teeth on the front side of the face are generally fixed with dental veneers. A veneer is a thin shell-like tooth-colored porcelain or resin composite material that can make your tooth look healthy again.

Veneers are widely recognized for their cosmetic benefits. However, they also strengthen the broken tooth and fix issues with biting and speaking. They are durable and can be colored to match the natural appearance of your teeth.

Veneers are also used for stained teeth or teeth with gaps and provide you with a healthy and beautiful smile.

2.  Dental implants

Dental implants are one of the most preferred solutions for missing teeth. Dental implants look and feel like your natural teeth. They can also be brushed and flossed like natural teeth to keep them clean and free of stains.

Another advantage of a dental implant is that it does not damage the adjacent tooth rather provides support to the jawbone. Biocompatible titanium is screwed to the jaw bone to create the base for the missing tooth.

They prevent resorption of the jaw bone and provide support for other dental procedures like dentures. Dental implants are customizable and can be a permanent solution for missing teeth.

3.  Root canal treatment

The chipping, breaking, or decay of your teeth can expose the center of the tooth known as pulp. The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels. If the bacteria from your mouth reaches the exposed pulp, it can cause severe infection. This can be painful and can cause tooth sensitivity.

A dentist, in such a case, can perform a root canal treatment. The treatment involves extracting the dead pulp cleaning the root canal, and then sealing it.

However, sometimes the decay is severe, and the tooth may not be able to hold the filling. In such a case, a dentist creates a base for the crown and covers the tooth area with a dental crown.

A dental crown can be made of metal, ceramic, porcelain, or a combination of these. Porcelain is the preferred choice for a dental crown as it has a similar translucent appearance to a natural tooth.

4.  Dentures

With modern materials and advanced technology, dentures have become a great means of replacing the missing tooth. They are natural-looking and comfortable.

The dentures can be partial, which replaces a few missing teeth. Full dentures replace all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw.

5.  Filling

If the damage to the tooth is not severe, a simple filling procedure can fix the tooth. Unlike silver-mercury amalgam fillings, composite fillings are custom-made to match the color of your teeth.

These fillings look like natural teeth and are extremely durable. With a simple painless procedure, you can restore your damaged teeth.

Dental issues can become severe if left unattended. Hence, it is important to replace damaged or missing teeth with the above-mentioned methods.

What Are Veneers? An In-Depth Overview of Dental Veneers

veneers mclean

Are you unhappy with the shape and size of your teeth? Do you want to get a new smile that will make you attractive? If so, then the dental veneers can enhance the appearance of your teeth. The experts of veneers McLean says that damaged, malformed, or discolored teeth can affect a person’s self-esteem. They lose their confidence while talking or smiling at others. In recent years, dental veneers got immense popularity by not only changing the appearance but also giving you natural-looking teeth. So, if you have noticed a broken tooth or do not prefer the color and want to whiten them, then dental veneers are the perfect solution for it.

But before you make selection of dental veneer solution, you should be aware of what this process is, their types, and which one is perfect for you. In this article, we have penned down all those details to share the knowledge with you.

Meaning of dental veneers

A veneer is a wafer-thin material that covers the front surface of your teeth. It helps to give your teeth a more realistic color and shaped look. Besides, as they come with customized fittings, they can conceal dental damages like stains, chips and tiny missing pieces, tooth decay, crookedness, or even gaps.

You can veneer one or multiple teeth as per your preference. Additionally, you can go for partial veneers that will not cover your entire tooth. They are beneficial if you do not want to consider other dental remedies like braces or teeth whitening. But the whole process is complicated and expensive. Dentist take out small quantity of enamel to place the veneers. Besides, they are permanent, and you cannot remove them.

Different varieties of Veneers

Veneers are available in different materials and colors. The dental veneers are thin, durable, stain-resistant, and can withstand the wear and tear of your teeth. There are only three types of dental veneers out there. They are porcelain, resin-based composite, and ceramic veneers. In the below section, we have explained these alternatives in more detail.

•  Porcelain Veneers

These veneers are popular among patients who want to change their tooth shape, color, and size. Porcelain veneers are a thin, strong, and custom-fit layer set on the sides and top of your teeth. To fix them, a dentist will formulate a temporary veneer and remove a little bit of enamel before attaching them.

•  Resin-based Composite Veneers

These veneers are composed of tooth-colored composite resin. People like them because of their cost-effectiveness. Besides, they are easy to attach and require no enamel removal before placing them.

•  Ceramic Veneers

Ceramic veneers provide a natural appearance and are long-lasting. But they take more time to set than others. Additionally, you may face tooth sensitivity after attaching them.

Which one among the above is the best for you?

Selecting the best veneer is evident. From the above three options, you can choose any. But there are some primary discrepancies among them. Below, we shared a table to understand their key differences.


Resin-based Composite


Highly durable and last for 20 years

lasts around five years

Lasts around 10 to 15 years

Requires enamel removal

No enamel removal

Needs enamel removal

Highly expensive


Half cost of porcelain veneers

Difficult to attach

Easier to attach

Easier to attach

Will not stain

Stain as time goes on

Can resist stain

No tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is absent

Might face tooth sensitivity

Less prone to break

Prone to break or chip

Less prone to fracture than resin-based composite

So, from the above table, you can see that porcelain veneers are much more ahead in the race than the other two. Besides, though all of them offer a natural appearance, the porcelain veneers give a slightly more realistic look. Additionally, they last longer and cover more damaged and malformed teeth as well.