A Complete Guide to Getting Lip Injections

If the answer to these questions is, ‘Yes,’ then lip injections are something that you should pay attention. Lip injection is dermal filler which is injected into the lips to alter the shape of lips. It is a method of lip augmentation that gives you plumper and fuller lips.

Lip injections in NYC are popularly known as lip fillers. This cosmetic procedure has become quite common these days. Reasons behind this are the wide range of benefits of lip fillers. Today, we will discuss everything you want to know about the lip injection- What it is, how it works, benefits, cost, pre-treatment, and post-treatment care. By the end of the post, you will be in a good state to make final decisions.

What are Lip Injections?

Lip injections are the dermal fillers that contain substances similar to the hyaluronic acid. These fillers are injected into the lips to add volume to the lips and make lips fuller and plumper. The most popular filler used today in New York City for lip augmentation is hyaluronic acid filler. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body, so there is minimal risk of the side effects using this filler. Various other types of lip injections in NYC are also available for treatment, but they are rarely used these days.

How do Lip Injections Work?

It is a simple cosmetic procedure. First of all, a numbing cream is applied on the lips to ease the discomfort. Once lips are numb, the filler is injected gently into the lips using very fine needles. Filler immediately adds volume to the lips and gives you fuller and plumper lips. Your lips will soar for 24 hours following the treatment and then settle down to its final shape.

The treatment is painless. You might feel a bit of sensation during the treatment. But do not believe in all of the horror stories that you had heard.

Results of treatment last for six to eight months. As this treatment is not a permanent procedure, you have to reappear for the treatment again if you want to maintain the shape of lips.

Cost of Lip Injections

Cost of lip injections in NYC ranges from $500 to $2000. The filler is priced per syringe. The cost of treatment varies depending on the fillers required to achieve the desired volume. Also, price varies depending on the type of filler selected. Generally, treatment gets completed in one visit, but sometimes your dermatologist might fix multiple appointments as well to achieve the desired results.

Pre-treatment Care

There are a few things you need to keep in mind before scheduling an appointment for injections.

• Do not take any anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning medicine for seven days before the treatment so that to reduce the risk of bruising and swelling.

• Do not schedule the treatment at least ten days before a major event because sometimes swelling and bruising may occur long.

Post-treatment Care

Here are the post-treatment care measures:

• Icing of the lips following the treatment helps in minimizing the swelling. Gently cold compress the lips repeatedly for first 24 hours following the treatment. Ice the lips gently after 15-minute intervals.

• Do not apply firm pressure on the lips for at least 24 hours following the treatment. Avoid massage, facial, sleeping face down or any activity that applies firm pressure.

• Do not take anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning medicine for one week following the treatment.

• To avoid bruising and swelling, do not take hot showers, steam rooms, and saunas for two days following the treatment.

• Do not indulge in exercise or physiotherapy treatment for 24 hours following the injections.

In the end…

When it comes to defining the shape of lips, lip injections or lips fillers are one of the best non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Whether you have thin lips, asymmetric lips or drooping lips, lip injections in NYC can get you rid of all, and give you the lips you had dreamt off.

Benefits of Non Surgical Nose Job

Non-surgical nose job is a cosmetic procedure of altering the shape of the nose without invasive surgery. In this medical procedure, dermal fillers are injected into the nose to alter the shape of the nose. Fillers fill the depressed area on the nose and smoothens the appearance of the bumps on the bridge.

Non surgical nose job in NYC is also known as the Non-surgical rhinoplasty. This cosmetic procedure is a great alternative to the traditional rhinoplasty. In this treatment, you do not have to go through the painful procedure of surgery. That’s why non-surgical nose job is becoming more popular day by day.

Non-invasive nature of the treatment is not the only reason for the popularity of the non surgical nose job in NYC; it also offers a wide range of benefits which other procedures lack. Let’s have a look at a few key benefits of the non-surgical nose job.

Fewer Side Effects

One of the major advantages of the non-surgical nose job is, it unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. The dermal filler used for the nose job is made of the substances similar to the hyaluronic acid which is naturally found in the body. So, this makes the treatment non-allergenic. Bruising or swelling might occur for one day following the treatment, but overall there are no severe side effects of the treatment.

No Downtime

Non surgical nose job in NYC is also popular as 15 minutes nose jobs because the procedure is very quick. It requires just one visit of one hour to the dermatologist to complete the treatment. You do not have to go through the long procedure like surgery. You will be back to the home same day. There is no downtime, and no prolonged healing required.

Painless Treatment

Do not even worry about the pain of injection. Nose is a very sensitive part of the body. Your dermatologist applies the numbing cream before injecting the filler to ease the discomfort.

Dissolved Easily

A non-surgical nose job is a temporary treatment. So if you do not like the reshaped nose, you can dissolve the hyaluronic acid filler with another injection. Hence, this treatment gives you the freedom of dissolving the filler and regaining the original shape of the nose.

Lasting Results

A non-surgical nose job is not a permanent medical procedure, but still, its result lasts for 6-12 months. Depending on the type of filler used, duration of results varies.

These are the key benefits of non-surgical nose jobs.

Are you curious about what will happen during the treatment? Let’s find an answer to it.

What to expect during the treatment?

First of all, your dermatologist will apply the numbing cream to the nose to ease the discomfort. One area to be injected is numb; a dermal filler is injected into the nose gently using very fine needles. Then the dermal filler is massaged to sculpt and reshape the nose. If you are happy with the final shape of the nose, you can come back home the same day.

Post-treatment Care

First 24 hours following the treatment are crucial. Hence, little post-treatment care is required. Here are the few post-treatment care measures:

• To avoid bruising or swelling, do not rub or apply the firm pressure to the nose for the first 24 hours following the treatment.

• Do not take any anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning medicine for one week following the treatment.

• Avoid lying face down, and cold compress the nose gently repeatedly for 24 hours following the treatment.

These are the few things you need to keep in mind, rest you are free to enjoy the great benefits of a non-surgical nose job.

So if you are looking for the nose job and was not able to get it done because of the painful procedure of surgery, it is time you should opt for the non surgical nose job in NYC. This is one of the best alternatives for those who do not want surgery but want nose reshaped.

A Brief Introduction on Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine or TCM is about wholesome wellness. It originated in ancient China many millennia ago and has been practiced in the region since then. Now, practice of TCM has spread all across the world.

Traditional Chinese Medicine – How does it Work?

TCM is based on the concept of energy flow inside the body. The healing system of TCM works on balancing the life force (qi) inside the body, which helps in restoring optimal health.

TCM concepts also include balancing ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ – the opposing energy forces in the body. TCM also considers the presence of the elements such as earth, fire, metal, wood, and water inside the body and their effect on health.

Common TCM practices include acupuncture, herbal medicine, and others involving the connection between the mind and the body. It can include exercises, nutrition, and massages.

Acupuncture involves use of needles on the meridians or energy points to clear qi blocks. Herbal medicine includes intake of herbs, which can range from plants, flowers, roots, minerals, and other substances. Exercises like tai chi help the body and the mind relax with a series of movements practiced mindfully.

TCM works on the energy system in the body. It is a holistic practice that treats not only the body but also the mind and the emotions that can cause energy imbalances.

Is TCM Safe?

TCM is a natural healing system and is completely safe. Healing modalities like acupuncture produce no side effects. But like other medical and healing systems, TCM also needs to be performed by qualified practitioners only.

So, if you are keen on TCM treatments, take your time to find a licensed and qualified practitioner in your local area. For instance, there are many clinics for traditional Chinese medicine in Houston, TX. But all these clinics may not be the same in terms of qualification and experience of the practitioners, level of service, and professionalism. So, conduct proper online research and check websites of leading TCM clinics in your city. Learn more about their practitioners and read client testimonials. If someone you know has undergone TCM treatments, you can also ask them for recommendations.

When acupuncture is performed well, there are no risks of side effects. With herbal remedies, a qualified practitioner will know how to administer the right herbs in the correct doses to avoid any problems.

What Health Problems can TCM Treat?

TCM healing systems are effective for a range of health problems.

Acupuncture is extremely effective in treating muscle pain, skin disorders, obesity, infertility, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, male sexual dysfunction, and menopause. It is also helpful in treating depression and alleviating anxiety. It can help relieve mental and physical stress. Acupuncture is often used as a complementary therapy during cancer treatments. It is also beneficial in helping stroke survivors to regain mobility.

Herbal remedy consists of thousands of herbs to treat sleep disorders, nausea, infertility, indigestion, liver problems, inflammation, skin disorders, aging, and many other health problems.

TCM is for anyone desiring well-being, good health, and prevention of diseases. Energy imbalances and stress can cause many health problems. Practices like acupuncture can help balance energy in the body and keep health problems at bay. For those not keen on taking pain medicines can opt for acupuncture for effective treatment of their condition.

In some instances causes of many symptoms are not clear. In such cases, Western medicine doesn’t really work well. But since TCM works on balancing energy, a qualified practitioner may be able to identify your condition and treat it effectively.

Finding TCM Practitioners

For TCM treatments, it is important to find qualified practitioners working at reputed wellness clinics. Look for practitioners who have studied at leading TCM schools such as the College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM).

Look for practitioners with experience in providing treatment for your specific problem. For example, if you want to seek treatment for obesity or infertility then specifically ask a practitioner’s experience in this regard. During your initial consultation session, see to it if the practitioner answers your questions patiently and helps you understand the treatment. If not then that practitioner may not be right for you.

Tips to Find the Right Ophthalmologist

Ophthalmologists are eye doctors with full medical training to perform eye examinations and surgeries. They treat a number of eye-related disorders. Unlike optometrists who are not medical doctors; ophthalmologists take care of all aspects of eye-related treatments.

Regular visits with an ophthalmologist can help you prevent complications related to the eyes. But it is important to find the right ophthalmologist for your perfect vision and eye health.

Consider these tips to find the right ophthalmologist for your requirements.

Search Online

If you are looking for an ophthalmologist, a simple online search can yield good results in terms of names and reviews of leading eye doctors in your local area. For instance, if you are looking for an ophthalmologist in Colorado Springs; a simple exact or related search can provide you with the names of many eye doctors and their practices in and around your preferred location.

You can also check for names of qualified ophthalmologists on the websites of professional certification bodies such as ‘The American Academy of Ophthalmology’. These websites have features to search the names of doctors in their database.

Review the Search Results

Now that you have a list of ophthalmologists in Colorado Springs (or any other location) ready with you, it is time review and assess the results to help you find the right doctor for your needs.

Check the websites of the first few doctors on your list. You can now also check online reviews of doctors on various medical/health-related websites. Many doctors also list client testimonials on their websites, which can also provide you with feedback about the services of the doctor.

See the services that the each of the doctors on your list offers. Not every ophthalmologist offers all services related to the eyes. Some ophthalmologists may not offer corneal transplants. So, if that is your requirement then look for a doctor who offers the surgery along with other essential eye-related services.

Some ophthalmologists provide comprehensive services covering basic vision checkups to complex surgeries. If you are looking for an ophthalmologist for continuing care, it is ideal to choose one who offers all (at least most) eye treatments. It can be especially useful when looking for a new ophthalmologist for your children from a very young age.

Consider Recommendations

Always ask friends and family for recommendations when looking for a new doctor. It can help you know about the mannerism and competence of the doctor from first-hand sources who you know. Through referrals, you can also know about the type of practice an ophthalmologist runs and what you can expect when you seek treatment at his or her clinic.

But always follow through on any recommendations with your own online search. It will help you assess the information you have received with more scrutiny and make you feel more confident in your choice of doctor at the end of your search.

Assess the Insurance Coverage and the Treatment Costs

With the rising cost of healthcare, it is essential that you find an ophthalmologist who is associated with major insurance providers. You can always call a doctor’s office to check if they are a part of your insurance provider’s plans.

Even if your insurance doesn’t cover eye checkups or certain eye-related treatments, you can always inquire about the costs of the same by calling the doctor’s clinic. In most cases, the cost of the treatment may not amount to a figure that you can’t afford to pay from your own pocket.

Visit the Doctor

Once you have identified an ophthalmologist that works perfectly for your eye care requirements, it is time for a visit. No amount of search or recommendations can help you understand if a doctor is right for you without personal interaction.

One patient’s interactions may have been different with a doctor and not in a positive way. But that may simply be a matter of differing personalities and not necessarily due to a fault of the doctor. But if that doctor seems to offer all the services that you need from an ophthalmologist, consider seeking an appointment to check the attitude and competence of the doctor from your own experience.

Hair Restoration – Permanent Solution to Your Hair Loss Problems

Are you the victim of hair loss? Teenagers, men and women begin looking too old for their age when the begin facing hair loss issues. Hair fall and no new hair growth will lead to permanent hair loss and baldness. It causes a huge change in the appearance of an individual. Hair fall may be caused due t genetic factors, hormonal disorders, internal diseases or nutritional deficiencies. The change in your experience can be a matter of huge concern. It can cause emotional distress, and even anxiety disorders.

Hair transplantation may not always be the best option to tackle hair loss problems especially for younger patients. Hence there are many alternative options available if hair transplantation is not the answer to hair fall problems.

What can you do if not Hair transplantation?

There are various alternatives to regain your hair before considering the hair transplant procedure. There are mainly two classes of medications available to provide treatment for hair loss problems:

1. Minoxidil – This medicine liquid is topically applied on bald areas to regrow the hair follicles on the scalp.

2. Finasteride – This is a prescribed oral pills to be consumed by patients.

These two treatments are taken in combination or used separately as advised by your medical practitioner or hair restoration specialist. Medications are often subscribed as the first line treatment for female and male pattern baldness. If the medications fail to work hair restoration in NJ is the last resort.

If you choose to go through a procedure to restore your hair there are three options:

1. Direct Hair Implantation –

This is a relatively new innovation in the field of hair transplantation. It ensures 100% safety and maximum lifetime hair growth. It is a simple and feasible procedure certified by FDI and ISHRS to give you healthy and natural hair. The cost of direct hair implantation depends on the level of baldness, the density of hair needed, and the number of sessions required for successful transplant. These factors are best assessed by a highly skilled and efficient trichologist. People with complete baldness are the best contenders for this treatment.

2. Scalp Micropigmentation –

This involves the application of special hypoallergenic medical pigments to the scalp to replicate the natural hair pattern growth. This method involves doting pigments onto the epidermis layer of the scalp. This is the least invasive procedure that can be done to restore your hair. With this treatment you can achieve the most realistic and natural hair growth. This procedure is great for completely bald men, or partially bald men who have lost their hair line.

3. Hair density treatment –

This hair treatment procedure is for men and women who face thinning of hair. This procedure involves embedding the pigment on to the epidermis layer of the scalp. This treatment will give an appearance of fuller and denser hair. These procedures take around 4 to 6 hours only. This is a highly safe procedure. It uses organic inks and causes no discoloration of the pigments used.